Monday, December 31, 2007

Lord Ganesha 象頭神格涅沙 (Phra Phikanet)

Lord Ganesha, Lord of All Lords, God of Wisdom, Remover of Obstacles

格涅沙(梵文:गणेश 或 श्रीगणेश,Ganesha,一般人可能直稱象頭神,又译作伽内什)在印度是廣為人知以及備受崇敬的神明,是天神濕婆與帕爾瓦蒂的兒子,以及 Riddhi 與 Siddhi 的丈夫。在梵語中,格涅沙表示才華與智慧,因此是智慧與才華之神。祂的體態為斷去一邊象牙的象頭人身並長著四隻手臂,體色或紅 或黃,老鼠常伴隨在旁或當祂的坐騎。在各種雕繪中,祂一般是盤坐著或是翹起其中一邊的膝蓋。

典故:象头神是湿婆大神和帕尔瓦蒂女神的长子.他的故事来源版本有很多.最常见的故事是说,湿婆神外出之时,帕尔瓦蒂女神用自己的汗水创造了英俊的伽尼什来守护她.于是伽尼什很忠诚的在门外一直守护着母亲,当湿婆大神回家要进门时,象头神因为不认识父亲所以极力阻止.最后湿婆神在大怒之下,将伽尼什的头砍下.后来母亲杜尔嘎女神出来时发现自己的儿子已死,非常悲痛.所以湿婆神赐予祝福,说在北方找到第一具死去的生物,将他的头砍下来装在伽尼什身上便可以复活,但是众神只在北边找到一具大象的尸体,所以将象头装在了伽尼什的身上,从此他变成了象头人身的形象.而且湿婆神赐予他力量,可以清除一切的障碍,并管理制造障碍的小鬼嘎纳, 因为他被称为毗那夜迦,意为能除一切障碍.也被为嘎纳帕提,嘎纳的主人.

另外还有一故事,说月神虔诚苦修,终于获得了湿婆神的许可得到一个祝福.月神为了众生的幸福祈求修一座湿婆大神的神庙,凡是在那里顶礼朝拜的人都可以免除罪恶,得升天堂.因为湿婆神的祝福,无数的人命终后生到了天堂,包括曾经做过很大罪恶的人.正义之神阎罗王看到这个情形,所以祈祷帕尔瓦蒂女神, 说有很多极大的罪人没有受到应有的惩罚就升到了天堂,因此祈求母亲改变这种状况.但是由于神的祝福是不能更改的,所以母亲派象头神在人们在去朝拜神庙的路上制造许多的障碍,虔诚悔过的人可以容易的朝拜到神像.而不肯悔改的恶人则难以接近神庙.

由于象头神有这样的功德和力量,根据吠陀仪式的要求.人们在做任何祭礼之前都会先崇拜伽尼什,念颂他的圣名,祈求他除去灵性和物质上的障碍. 而且象头神通时也是掌管财富之神,所以很多做生意的人都会供奉他.象头神有时也是知识之神,因为妙音天女萨茹阿斯瓦蒂曾将自己的笔送给他,他曾经帮助广博仙人记录吠陀圣典.象头神通常绘为一面四臂形象,一手结施无畏印表示去除畏惧,一手持斧,一手持刺棒,一只手拿着甜品"拉杜".他的坐骑是他的好朋友,一只老鼠.佛教之中称为吐宝鼠,但佛教中的象头神通常绘为三眼.印度教为二眼.


卍字( 汉语读wan,4声)是神祗格涅沙的符號。格涅沙是永恆的小孩,有一个象头,四条手臂,代表根轮的四块花 瓣。衪的代表元素是土,相应矿物是碳。碳是一切生命的起源,亦是大地中最重要的元素。格涅沙是父神和母神创世时所分出来的第一个力量,因此代表生命的力 量。现代的科学发现,从一个角度看碳原子的「云子电」,会看见(阿尔发)和(俄梅戛),从另一个角度看,会看见个(唵)字,从另一个角度看,会看见一个 「卍」字。

Ganesha Mantra to African Drums


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Amulet: Phra Phikanet, Wat Thalunthong, 2550

Mass chanted Phra Phikanet (พระพิฆเนศ) from Nakhon Si Thammrat, Wat Thalunthong. This temple is most famous with Lord Ganesha, which can help people in education, wealth, relationship and more.


Thursday, December 20, 2007


在了解佛牌保养概念时,让我们先来认识一下佛牌的构造:泰国佛牌是一种使用了非常特别的材料来制造的神圣法物。一般佛牌的材料彩特殊的佛法粉末、特殊矿物 以及特殊木料等。当然,制造佛牌的材料不只限于佛法粉末,有些佛牌是使用了特殊的贵重金属制造出的。这些特殊的贵重金属都是非常难得的材料,在那么多的金 属材料里,以混合了多种金属元素以及精心制造出的“那瓦诺哈”的贵重金属最为出色。当然制造佛牌还有许多其他材料。多数佛寺高僧使用圆寂了的高僧骨灰,特 别的矿石、珍贵的宝石以及使用了植物的材料来制造佛牌。在了解过佛牌的制造之后,现在让我们谈一下佛牌的保养知识。佛牌是属于一种神圣的法物,所以在不佩戴时,通常要把佛牌置于较高的位置存放,以视尊敬。保持干燥,在洗浴时最好将佛牌摘下,选择适宜处存往放。在夜间休息时,最好将佛牌摘下,用布包好置于头旁。


Sunday, December 9, 2007

《金那般川经文- 阿参多》(Phra Katha Chinabunchorn)


Somdej Pra Bhuddhachara สมเด็จพระพุฒาจารย์ (Toh Prohmarangsri โต พรหม
รังสี /Archan Toh/ Somdej Toh)

This is the greatest Katha mantra of all, Which Somdej To receive from an old scroll from Sri Lunkga. The meaning of this Katha is all great bless/chant to prayer. This Katha is to invite bless from Buddha and also previous Buddha ( Siddhatha is the 4th Buddha ) and Phra Arrahun Keenasob (who success Dhamma to Nibana). Also invite any spells and teachers which old time people respect as Buddhamahaniyom (bless spell) to prayer. To be the mirror barrier called "Gum Pang Kaw Jed Chun" (7 glass mirrors barriers) from the head of prayer to all around the body. With no harm will get though.


Phra Katha Chinabunchorn Mantra

Jayasanakata Puta, Jetava Marangsavahana
Catu SacasaPha rasam, Yepivisu narasapa

(The Buddhas, the noble men who drank the nectar of the four Noble Truths, having come to the victory seat, having defeated Mara together with his mount)

Tanhakaratayo Puta, Ahtavisati Nayaka
Sa pay patitita Maihang, Mata kay tay munisara

(These Buddhas, the 28 leaders, the sovereign sages beginning with Tanhankara are all established on the crown of my head.)

Si sey patitito maihang, Puto tamo taviro canay
Sangko Patitito maihang, Ouley Sapa kunakaro

(The Buddha is established in my head, the Dharma in my two eyes, The Sangha----the mind of all virtues----is established in my chest.)

HataJay May Ahnuruto, Sariputo catakiney
Kontanyo Pitipakasaming, Mokarano cawamakay

(Anuraddha is in my heart, and Sariputta on my right. Kondanna is behind me, and Moggallana on my left.)

Takinay Savanay Maihang, Ahsu Ahnantarahulo
Kasapo ca mahanamo, Ou pasu Wamasotakay

(Ananda & Rahula are in my right ear, Kassapa and Mahanama are both in my left ear.)

Keysato pitipakasaming, suriyo vapapakaro
Nisino Sirisampano, sopito Munipukavo

(Sobhita, the noble sage, sits in full glory, shinning like the sun all over the hair at the back of my head.)

Kumarakasapotayro, Mahesi Citavatako
So Maihang watanaynichan, Patitasi kunakaro

(The great sage, the mind of virtue, Elder Kumarakassapa, the brilliant speaker, is constantly in my mouth.)

Puno angkulimaloca, 0upali nantasiwali
Tayra Panca Eimay cata, Naratay tiraka Mama

(Five elder---Punna Angulimala, Upali, Nanda, & Sivali---have arisen as ausipicious marks at the middle of my forehead.)

Saysa siti Mahatayra, Vicita Cinasawaka
Aitaysiti Mahatayra, Citavato Cinorasa
Sarata Sirataycena, Angkamang kaysu Satita

(The rest of the 80 great leaders----victors,disciples of the victorious Buddha, sons of the victorious Buddha,shining with the majesty of moral virtue are established in the various parts of my body.)

Ratana Purato Ahsi, Takinay Maytasutakan
Tacakang Pacato Ahsi, Wamay Angkulimarakang
Katamorapalitanca, Ahtanapiyasutakang
Ahkasay catanang Ahsi, saysa pakarasantita

(The Ratana Sutta is in front of me, the Mettra Sutta to my right.The Dhajagga Sutta is behind me, the Angulimala Paritta to my left.The Khandha & Mora Parittas and the Atanatiya Sutta are a roof in space above me. The remaining suttas are established as a fortress wall around me.)

Cinananaparasayuta, satapakaralakata
Vatapitatisacata, Pahiracattupatawa
Ahsaysa Vinayang yantu, Ahnantacinataycasa

(Bound by the power of the Victors? I realm, seven fortress walls arrayed. Against them, may all misfortununes within & without----caused by such things as wind or bile----be destroyed without remainder through the majesty of the unending Victor.)

Wasatomay sakicena, sata samputapancalei
Cinapamcaramacahi, Viharatang Mahitalei
Sata Paleitumang sapay, tay Mahapulisasapa

(As I dwell, in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Self-awakened One, Living grounded in the midst of the Victors, I am always guarded by all of those great noble men)

Eicevamanto Sukuto Surako, Cinanupavena Citupatavo
Tamanupavena Citalisangko, Sakang Nupavena Citatarayo
Satama nupavapalito, carami cinapamcaleiti

(Thus am I utterly well-sheltered, well-protected.Through the might of the Victors, misfortunes are vanquished.Through the might of the Dhamma, hordes of enemies are vanquished.Through the might of the Sangha, dangers are vanquished.Guarded by the might of the True Dhamma, I live in the Victor's Cage.)
